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Meaning of stampede

- A wild, headlong scamper, or running away, of a number of animals; usually caused by fright; hence, any sudden flight or dispersion, as of a crowd or an army in consequence of a panic.
- To run away in a panic; -- said droves of cattle, horses, etc., also of armies.
- To disperse by causing sudden fright, as a herd or drove of animals.

Crossword clue for stampede

- A panicked rush of animals
- Charge
- Flee in panic
- Headlong rush of frightened animals
- Mad dash
- Mad rush
- Panic stricken flight
- Panic-stricken flight
- Panicstricken flight
- Rush of animals
- Sudden panicked rush of horses, cattle, etc
- Sudden panicked rush of horses, cattle, etc.
- Sudden rush of animals