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Meaning of sprays

- A small shoot or branch; a twig.
- A collective body of small branches; as, the tree has a beautiful spray.
- A side channel or branch of the runner of a flask, made to distribute the metal in all parts of the mold.
- A group of castings made in the same mold and connected by sprues formed in the runner and its branches.
- Water flying in small drops or particles, as by the force of wind, or the dashing of waves, or from a waterfall, and the like.
- A jet of fine medicated vapor, used either as an application to a diseased part or to charge the air of a room with a disinfectant or a deodorizer.
- An instrument for applying such a spray; an atomizer.
- To let fall in the form of spray.
- To throw spray upon; to treat with a liquid in the form of spray; as, to spray a wound, or a surgical instrument, with carbolic acid.

Crossword clue for sprays

- Aerosol
- Atomise
- Atomiser
- Floral display
- Hose down
- Paint (car)
- Atomisers
- Corsages
- Pray to be on board fine jets
- Scatters in fine particles
- Sprigs of flowers
- Vehement rebukes - slang
- Vehement rebukes(slang)