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Meaning of slender

- Small or narrow in proportion to the length or the height; not thick; slim; as, a slender stem or stalk of a plant.
- Weak; feeble; not strong; slight; as, slender hope; a slender constitution.
- Moderate; trivial; inconsiderable; slight; as, a man of slender intelligence.
- Small; inadequate; meager; pitiful; as, slender means of support; a slender pittance.
- Spare; abstemious; frugal; as, a slender diet.
- Uttered with a thin tone; -- the opposite of broad; as, the slender vowels long e and i.

Crossword clue for slender

- Gracefully slim
- Narrow
- Narrow red lens can be refocused
- Slim
- Slim girls finally took on one who made advances
- Svelte
- Thin bankers finally lend, with hesitation
- Willowy
- Willowy sleepyhead stands before Shylock