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Meaning of skeleton

- The bony and cartilaginous framework which supports the soft parts of a vertebrate animal.
- The more or less firm or hardened framework of an invertebrate animal.
- A very thin or lean person.
- The framework of anything; the principal parts that support the rest, but without the appendages.
- The heads and outline of a literary production, especially of a sermon.
- Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal.

Crossword clue for skeleton

- Anatomy model
- Bare frame hidden in wardrobe
- Bone structure
- Bony framework of bodies
- Framework of bones
- Master (key)
- Minimum crew has master key to bones
- Osseous structure; luge-like sport
- Our bodys frame
- Secret, ... in the cupboard
- The bone and cartilage framework of the body
- Type of key found in a cupboard