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Meaning of shares

- The part (usually an iron or steel plate) of a plow which cuts the ground at the bottom of a furrow; a plowshare.
- The part which opens the ground for the reception of the seed, in a machine for sowing seed.
- A certain quantity; a portion; a part; a division; as, a small share of prudence.
- Especially, the part allotted or belonging to one, of any property or interest owned by a number; a portion among others; an apportioned lot; an allotment; a dividend.
- Hence, one of a certain number of equal portions into which any property or invested capital is divided; as, a ship owned in ten shares.
- The pubes; the sharebone.
- To part among two or more; to distribute in portions; to divide.
- To partake of, use, or experience, with others; to have a portion of; to take and possess in common; as, to share a shelter with another.
- To cut; to shear; to cleave; to divide.
- To have part; to receive a portion; to partake, enjoy, or suffer with others.

Crossword clue for shares

- Allotment
- Divide
- Don’t be a hog or a small rabbit
- Give a portion to another
- Mete out
- Pointy-ended post
- Portion
- Possess in common with others
- Quota
- Ration
- Sedimentary rock
- Allocates
- Apportions
- Capital stock
- Divvies up
- Uses jointly