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Meaning of sews

- Juice; gravy; a seasoned dish; a delicacy.
- To follow; to pursue; to sue.
- To unite or fasten together by stitches, as with a needle and thread.
- To close or stop by ssewing; -- often with up; as, to sew up a rip.
- To inclose by sewing; -- sometimes with up; as, to sew money in a bag.
- To practice sewing; to work with needle and thread.
- To drain, as a pond, for taking the fish.

Crossword clue for sews

- Darn
- Darn slow start! Back we go!
- Do needlepoint
- Do needlework
- Embroider
- Ply the needle
- Singers do it!
- Stitch
- Stitch in three directions
- Work with a needle
- Darns
- Embroiders
- Plies the needle
- Sows said to have stitches
- Stitches
- Tailors
- Uses a needle