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Meaning of sensible

- Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; hence, also, perceptible to the mind; making an impression upon the sense, reason, or understanding; ////// heat; sensible resistance.
- Having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the instrumentality of the proper organs; liable to be affected physsically or mentally; impressible.
- Hence: Liable to impression from without; easily affected; having nice perception or acute feeling; sensitive; also, readily moved or affected by natural agents; delicate; as, a sensible thermometer.
- Perceiving or having perception, either by the senses or the mind; cognizant; perceiving so clearly as to be convinced; satisfied; persuaded.
- Having moral perception; capable of being affected by moral good or evil.
- Possessing or containing sense or reason; giftedwith, or characterized by, good or common sense; intelligent; wise.
- Sensation; sensibility.
- That which impresses itself on the sense; anything perceptible.
- That which has sensibility; a sensitive being.

Crossword clue for sensible

- Done in accordance with wisdom and prudence
- Down-to-earth
- Marked by good sense
- Sane
- Sober-minded
- Unsentimental
- utilitarian