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Meaning of salvos

- An exception; a reservation; an excuse.
- A concentrated fire from pieces of artillery, as in endeavoring to make a break in a fortification; a volley.
- A salute paid by a simultaneous, or nearly simultaneous, firing of a number of cannon.
- of Salvo

Crossword clue for salvos

- A simultaneous discharge of weapons in battle
- Also disturbed around five by heavy burst of firing
- Amount of shellfire
- Artillery salute
- Barrage
- Barrage of shots
- Broadside
- Burst of fire from colossal volcano
- Burst of gunfire
- Burst of gunfire or applause
- Discharge of several firearms
- One of the Salvation Army
- Outburst
- Oval’s shaken by volley
- Reprisal voiced over volley
- Round of applause
- Sudden burst
- Volley
- Volley of bullets
- Volley of gunfire
- Volley that changed the look of ovals
- Rounds of applause