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Meaning of ruby

- A precious stone of a carmine red color, sometimes verging to violet, or intermediate between carmine and hyacinth red. It is a red crystallized variety of corundum.
- The color of a ruby; carmine red; a red tint.
- That which has the color of the ruby, as red wine. Hence, a red blain or carbuncle.
- See Agate, n., 2.
- Any species of South American humming birds of the genus Clytolaema. The males have a ruby-colored throat or breast.
- Ruby-colored; red; as, ruby lips.
- To make red; to redden.

Crossword clue for ruby

- 40th anniversary gem
- A gem
- Deep red
- Deep red gem
- Deep-red gem
- Gemstone
- July birthstone
- July stone
- Precious stone
- Red gem
- Red gemstone
- Red jewel