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Meaning of roar

- To cry with a full, loud, continued sound.
- To bellow, or utter a deep, loud cry, as a lion or other beast.
- To cry loudly, as in pain, distress, or anger.
- To make a loud, confused sound, as winds, waves, passing vehicles, a crowd of persons when shouting together, or the like.
- To be boisterous; to be disorderly.
- To laugh out loudly and continuously; as, the hearers roared at his jokes.
- To make a loud noise in breathing, as horses having a certain disease. See Roaring, 2.
- To cry aloud; to proclaim loudly.
- The sound of roaring.
- The deep, loud cry of a wild beast; as, the roar of a lion.
- The cry of one in pain, distress, anger, or the like.
- A loud, continuous, and confused sound; as, the roar of a cannon, of the wind, or the waves; the roar of ocean.
- A boisterous outcry or shouting, as in mirth.

Crossword clue for roar

- Bellow
- Belly laugh
- Boom
- Crowd sound
- Hear raw cry of lion
- Howl
- Laugh loudly
- Laugh out loud
- Lion sound
- Lion’s cry
- Loud laugh
- Raw call of big cat
- Sound of pride?
- Wail