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Meaning of recess

- A withdrawing or retiring; a moving back; retreat; as, the recess of the tides.
- The state of being withdrawn; seclusion; privacy.
- Remission or suspension of business or procedure; intermission, as of a legislative body, court, or school.
- Part of a room formed by the receding of the wall, as an alcove, niche, etc.
- A place of retirement, retreat, secrecy, or seclusion.
- Secret or abstruse part; as, the difficulties and recesses of science.
- A sinus.
- To make a recess in; as, to recess a wall.
- A decree of the imperial diet of the old German empire.

Crossword clue for recess

- Alcove
- Break in school morning
- Hollow space
- Niche or alcove
- Nook
- Playtime at school
- Rest period
- Some declare cesspits to be a niche
- Take a break in alcove