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Meaning of ply

- To bend.
- To lay on closely, or in folds; to work upon steadily, or with repeated acts; to press upon; to urge importunately; as, to ply one with questions, with solicitations, or with drink.
- To employ diligently; to use steadily.
- To practice or perform with diligence; to work at.
- To bend; to yield.
- To act, go, or work diligently and steadily; especially, to do something by repeated actions; to go back and forth; as, a steamer plies between certain ports.
- To work to windward; to beat.
- A fold; a plait; a turn or twist, as of a cord.
- Bent; turn; direction; bias.

Crossword clue for ply

- Imply I’m not to practise a trade
- Multiply, with many out to sell
- Partly artless, due to thickness?
- Pearly ear leaves some thickness
- Play without a wood layer
- Practise (trade)
- Provide layer of wood
- Sell (wares)
- Steadily provide (with drink)
- Strand of wool
- Strand of yarn
- Wood thickness
- Wool thickness
- Work at (trade)