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Meaning of pleasures

- The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by the expectation or the enjoyment of something good, delightful, or satisfying; -- opposed to pain, sorrow, etc.
- Amusement; sport; diversion; self-indulgence; frivolous or dissipating enjoyment; hence, sensual gratification; -- opposed to labor, service, duty, self-denial, etc.
- What the will dictates or prefers as gratifying or satisfying; hence, will; choice; wish; purpose.
- That which pleases; a favor; a gratification.
- To give or afford pleasure to; to please; to gratify.
- To take pleasure; to seek pursue pleasure; as, to go pleasuring.

Crossword clue for pleasures

- A feeling of happy satisfaction
- Amusement
- Appeal certain to create satisfaction
- Appeal certain to produce happiness
- Delectation
- Delight
- Enjoyment
- Feeling of happy satisfaction
- Joy
- Satisfaction
- Seal rolled about in pure delight
- Delights