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Meaning of pagodas

- A term by which Europeans designate religious temples and tower-like buildings of the Hindoos and Buddhists of India, Farther India, China, and Japan, -- usually but not always, devoted to idol worship.
- An idol.
- A gold or silver coin, of various kinds and values, formerly current in India. The Madras gold pagoda was worth about three and a half rupees.

Crossword clue for pagodas

- A tall, tiered, religious building in Asia
- Asian temple
- Buddhist temple
- Chinese temple
- Eastern temple
- Hindu temple
- Indian or Buddhist temple
- Indian temple
- Inwardly worship a god at an Eastern temple
- Japanese temple
- Many-tiered temple
- Many-tiered tower
- Place to worship a deity in Pennsylvania
- Sacred Asian temple
- Sacred Hindu building
- Sophora japonica, is a Chinese tree with ornamental white flowers
- Tall building in Asia used for religious purposes
- Temple
- Eastern temples