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Meaning of ozone

- A colorless gaseous substance (O/) obtained (as by the silent discharge of electricity in oxygen) as an allotropic form of oxygen, containing three atoms in the molecule. It is a streng oxidizer, and probably exists in the air, though by he ordinary tests it is liable to be confused with certain other substances, as hydrogen dioxide, or certain oxides of nitrogen. It derives its name from its peculiar odor, which resembles that of weak chlorine.

Crossword clue for ozone

- Allegedly invigorating seaside air
- Apparently owes own pure air
- Atmosphere layer
- Australian number has a bracing air
- Circle district for special oxygen
- Circle district to locate smelly gas
- Colourless gas
- Condensed oxygen
- Corrosive substance
- Earth's protective layer
- Endangered atmosphere layer
- Form of oxygen
- Gas in upper atmosphere
- Holed atmosphere layer
- Layer, Dorothy visited it at one
- Protective atmosphere layer
- Ring area with protective layer
- Stratosphere layer
- Stratospheric gas
- Stratospheric layer
- The bracing air makes Australia numero uno
- Without bunks, Bozo needs layer in sky