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Meaning of otter

- Any carnivorous animal of the genus Lutra, and related genera. Several species are described. They have large, flattish heads, short ears, and webbed toes. They are aquatic, and feed on fish. Their fur is soft and valuable. The common otter of Europe is Lutra vulgaris; the American otter is L. Canadensis; other species inhabit South America and Asia.
- The larva of the ghost moth. It is very injurious to hop vines.
- A corruption of Annotto.

Crossword clue for otter

- A semi aquatic fish eating mammal
- Animal in the lottery
- Animal tore around to start with
- Aquatic carnivore
- Aquatic furred mammal
- Aquatic mammal
- Every other boat at weir is for river dweller
- Freshwater carnivore
- Furry sea mammal
- Furry wateranimal
- In lotteries, lies come out about fish eater
- Marine mammal
- Musteline mammal
- River creature
- River mammal
- Swimmer held by barefoot terrorist
- Tarka found inside pottery
- Water-animal
- Water-loving mammal
- Weasel-like mammal