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Meaning of oozes

- Soft mud or slime; earth so wet as to flow gently, or easily yield to pressure.
- Soft flow; spring.
- The liquor of a tan vat.
- To flow gently; to percolate, as a liquid through the pores of a substance or through small openings.
- Fig.: To leak (out) or escape slowly; as, the secret oozed out; his courage oozed out.
- To cause to ooze.

Crossword clue for oozes

- Emit
- Exude
- Flow out slowly
- Leak out slowly
- Leak slowly
- Percolate
- Percolate through pores
- Seep out
- Seep through pores
- Soft mud
- Exudes
- Flows out slowly
- Leaks out
- Seeps