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Meaning of nun

- A woman devoted to a religious life, who lives in a convent, under the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
- A white variety of domestic pigeons having a veil of feathers covering the head.
- The smew.
- The European blue titmouse.

Crossword clue for nun

- Abbess or convent head
- Anchorite
- Child’s name for grandmother
- Convent dweller
- Convent resident
- Convent sister
- Female monk
- First name one French sister
- Holy woman
- member of a community of religious women
- Member of religious order
- Mother superior or abbess
- Mother superior’s charge
- Not one told sister
- order follower
- RC sister
- Religious sister
- Religious woman
- She has vowed to keep her life in order
- Sister hides down under
- Sister in conundrum
- Woman in a convent