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Meaning of levees

- The act of rising.
- A morning assembly or reception of visitors, -- in distinction from a soiree, or evening assembly; a matinee; hence, also, any general or somewhat miscellaneous gathering of guests, whether in the daytime or evening; as, the president's levee.
- To attend the levee or levees of.
- An embankment to prevent inundation; as, the levees along the Mississippi; sometimes, the steep bank of a river.
- To keep within a channel by means of levees; as, to levee a river.

Crossword clue for levees

- Artificial embankment
- Embankment
- Flood bank
- Flood barrier
- Flood defence
- Raised bank
- Raised riverbank
- River barrier
- Riverbank tax spoken of
- Riverside embankment
- The Nile veers, covering embankment
- Raised banks
- Raised river banks
- Sleeve tailored for banks