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Meaning of ivy

- A plant of the genus Hedera (H. helix), common in Europe. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly five-pointed; the flowers yellowish and small; the berries black or yellow. The stem clings to walls and trees by rootlike fibers.

Crossword clue for ivy

- A climbing shrub
- A creeper
- After four, why become a climber?
- Batman's poisonous enemy?
- Climber met sticky end after four
- Climbing plant
- Climbing vine
- Common climbing vine
- Creeper
- Creeping plant
- Does she cling to the wall?
- Girl’s name
- In its own league for giving rash after poison
- Initially varied yet she’s a social climber
- Lean out naively to see climber
- She is most privy to scaling walls 
- Vine, poison ...