Word Meaning

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Meaning of italians

- Of or pertaining to Italy, or to its people or language.
- A native or inhabitant of Italy.
- The language used in Italy, or by the Italians.

Crossword clue for italians

- Ali followed it to an Umbrian native
- Cuisine of Rome or Pisa
- European cuisine
- European language
- First person to adapt a Latin language
- From Naples
- From Venice or Naples
- I have a Latin translation from Rome
- Ita returns nail to European
- Language of Florence
- Language of Venice
- One of the Romance languages
- pisa or venice native
- Recruit Ali, another boxer of European origin
- Romance language
- Style Of Cooking
- Is Latin a problem for people from Rome?
- Native of Naples
- Pisa or Venice natives
- Rome or Naples natives
- turin folk