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Meaning of idiom

- The syntactical or structural form peculiar to any language; the genius or cast of a language.
- An expression conforming or appropriate to the peculiar structural form of a language; in extend use, an expression sanctioned by usage, having a sense peculiar to itself and not agreeing with the logical sense of its structural form; also, the phrase forms peculiar to a particular author.
- Dialect; a variant form of a language.

Crossword clue for idiom

- Amin used Buddhist chant with fixed expression
- Characteristic style
- Characteristic style of some chambermaid? I omitted the dialect
- Colloquial saying
- Colloquial turn of phrase
- Colourful phrase used by idiot making a difference finally
- Defining artistic style
- Dialect
- Did I omit to include local saying?
- Jargon
- Local expression about Dominica can be ignored
- Local language
- Local languages
- Local saying
- Local talk
- Order of merit for Mr Amin in characteristic style
- Parlance
- Phrase
- Piece of jargon
- Saying Dom has two eyes
- Saying fool should rewrite last letter
- Set phrase
- Turn of phrase
- Vernacular