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Meaning of hoods

- State; condition.
- A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment
- A soft covering for the head, worn by women, which leaves only the face exposed.
- A part of a monk's outer garment, with which he covers his head; a cowl.
- A like appendage to a cloak or loose overcoat, that may be drawn up over the head at pleasure.
- An ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical vestment; as, a master's hood.
- A covering for a horse's head.
- A covering for a hawk's head and eyes. See Illust. of Falcon.
- Anything resembling a hood in form or use
- The top or head of a carriage.
- A chimney top, often contrived to secure a constant draught by turning with the wind.
- A projecting cover above a hearth, forming the upper part of the fireplace, and confining the smoke to the flue.
- The top of a pump.
- A covering for a mortar.
- The hood-shaped upper petal of some flowers, as of monkshood; -- called also helmet.
- A covering or porch for a companion hatch.
- The endmost plank of a strake which reaches the stem or stern.
- To cover with a hood; to furnish with a hood or hood-shaped appendage.
- To cover; to hide; to blind.

Crossword clue for hoods

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- Car bonnet
- Gangster
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- Head cover
- Head covering
- Motor car bonnet
- Gangsters
- Nuns
- Tough guys