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Meaning of hides

- To conceal, or withdraw from sight; to put out of view; to secrete.
- To withhold from knowledge; to keep secret; to refrain from avowing or confessing.
- To remove from danger; to shelter.
- To lie concealed; to keep one's self out of view; to be withdrawn from sight or observation.
- An abode or dwelling.
- A measure of land, common in Domesday Book and old English charters, the quantity of which is not well ascertained, but has been differently estimated at 80, 100, and 120 acres.
- The skin of an animal, either raw or dressed; -- generally applied to the undressed skins of the larger domestic animals, as oxen, horses, etc.
- The human skin; -- so called in contempt.
- To flog; to whip.

Crossword clue for hides

- Bird-watching enclosure
- Bury
- Camouflage
- Conceal
- Cover skin
- Hush up
- keep secret
- Pelt
- Skin
- Take cover
- Animal skins
- belies
- Camouflages
- Conceals
- Does not declare pelts
- Keeps secret
- Keeps under wraps
- Lies low
- Masks
- Takes cover