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Meaning of hero

- An illustrious man, supposed to be exalted, after death, to a place among the gods; a demigod, as Hercules.
- A man of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering; a prominent or central personage in any remarkable action or event; hence, a great or illustrious person.
- The principal personage in a poem, story, and the like, or the person who has the principal share in the transactions related; as Achilles in the Iliad, Ulysses in the Odyssey, and Aeneas in the Aeneid.

Crossword clue for hero

- Brave Man
- Brave man could be here? Oh, I say!
- Brave person
- Champion
- Courageous person
- Courageous woman
- daredevil
- Great man
- Her duck is her idol
- Idol
- Lead actor
- Lead character
- Leading man
- Object of worship
- Prima donna
- Principal character in story
- Protagonist
- Revered figure
- Theroux’s protagonist?
- White knight offers that lady a ring