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Meaning of haste

- Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; -- applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals.
- The state of being urged or pressed by business; hurry; urgency; sudden excitement of feeling or passion; precipitance; vehemence.
- To hasten; to hurry.

Crossword clue for haste

- Briskness
- Careless speed
- Excessive quickness
- Excessive swiftness
- He sat around in a hurry
- Hurriedness
- Hurry, make ...
- Inconsiderate speed
- More ..., less speed
- Rush
- Rush to leave hot seat, somehow
- Speed
- Swiftness
- Undue speed
- Undue speed observed on Highway One moving east
- Urgency
- Urgency apparent as the change is made
- Urgency has time limits