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Meaning of fry

- To cook in a pan or on a griddle (esp. with the use of fat, butter, or olive oil) by heating over a fire; to cook in boiling lard or fat; as, to fry fish; to fry doughnuts.
- To undergo the process of frying; to be subject to the action of heat in a frying pan, or on a griddle, or in a kettle of hot fat.
- To simmer; to boil.
- To undergo or cause a disturbing action accompanied with a sensation of heat.
- To be agitated; to be greatly moved.
- The young of any fish.
- A swarm or crowd, especially of little fishes; young or small things in general.

Crossword clue for fry

- Baby fish eel left freely
- Cook in hot fat
- Cook in oil
- Cribs
- Electrocute young fish
- Play with small dog
- Saute young fish
- Sizzle
- Swelter
- Young fish swim freely around electric fish
- Young frog