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Meaning of fiddles

- A stringed instrument of music played with a bow; a violin; a kit.
- A kind of dock (Rumex pulcher) with fiddle-shaped leaves; -- called also fiddle dock.
- A rack or frame of bars connected by strings, to keep table furniture in place on the cabin table in bad weather.
- To play on a fiddle.
- To keep the hands and fingers actively moving as a fiddler does; to move the hands and fingers restlessy or in busy idleness; to trifle.
- To play (a tune) on a fiddle.

Crossword clue for fiddles

- As fit as a ...
- Cheat while playing the violin?
- Fidget with your violin
- Folk instrument
- Mess about
- Play idly
- Stringed instrument
- Toy (with)
- Doctors’ instruments
- Fidgets