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Meaning of fibres

- One of the delicate, threadlike portions of which the tissues of plants and animals are in part constituted; as, the fiber of flax or of muscle.
- Any fine, slender thread, or threadlike substance; as, a fiber of spun glass; especially, one of the slender rootlets of a plant.
- Sinew; strength; toughness; as, a man of real fiber.
- A general name for the raw material, such as cotton, flax, hemp, etc., used in textile manufactures.
- A tough vegetable fiber used as a substitute for bristles in making brushes. The piassava and the ixtle are both used under this name.

Crossword clue for fibres

- Character
- Fine threadlike piece
- Flax or hemp
- Slender filament
- Spun thread
- Texture
- Thin strand
- Designed briefs in cotton and wool
- Fabric strands