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Meaning of fee

- property; possession; tenure.
- Reward or compensation for services rendered or to be rendered; especially, payment for professional services, of optional amount, or fixed by custom or laws; charge; pay; perquisite; as, the fees of lawyers and physicians; the fees of office; clerk's fees; sheriff's fees; marriage fees, etc.
- A right to the use of a superior's land, as a stipend for services to be performed; also, the land so held; a fief.
- An estate of inheritance supposed to be held either mediately or immediately from the sovereign, and absolutely vested in the owner.
- An estate of inheritance belonging to the owner, and transmissible to his heirs, absolutely and simply, without condition attached to the tenure.
- To reward for services performed, or to be performed; to recompense; to hire or keep in hire; hence, to bribe.

Crossword clue for fee

- A charge
- Auction house commission
- Charge
- Cost
- Doctor’s charge
- Even offered to provide fare
- Feel 50 is too much for payment
- Feel left out of agent’s percentage
- Fixed charge
- Government impost
- Lifetimes without limits have a price to pay
- Payment for service offered every second
- Price
- Toffees have hidden cost
- Toll
- Wolfe expected partial payment for services