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Meaning of farm

- The rent of land, -- originally paid by reservation of part of its products.
- The term or tenure of a lease of land for cultivation; a leasehold.
- The land held under lease and by payment of rent for the purpose of cultivation.
- Any tract of land devoted to agricultural purposes, under the management of a tenant or the owner.
- A district of country leased (or farmed) out for the collection of the revenues of government.
- A lease of the imposts on particular goods; as, the sugar farm, the silk farm.
- To lease or let for an equivalent, as land for a rent; to yield the use of to proceeds.
- To give up to another, as an estate, a business, the revenue, etc., on condition of receiving in return a percentage of what it yields; as, to farm the taxes.
- To take at a certain rent or rate.
- To devote (land) to agriculture; to cultivate, as land; to till, as a farm.
- To engage in the business of tilling the soil; to labor as a farmer.

Crossword clue for farm

- Agricultural
- Agricultural land
- Cultivate land
- Cultivate the soil
- Grow crops
- Old McDonald’s property was original family branch
- Place for cropping
- Station
- Stock or crop business
- Subcontract, ... out
- Work the land