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Meaning of exotics

- Introduced from a foreign country; not native; extraneous; foreign; as, an exotic plant; an exotic term or word.
- Anything of foreign origin; something not of native growth, as a plant, a word, a custom.

Crossword clue for exotics

- Erotic queen replaced by old flame? How strange!
- First experience with toxic mixture is strange and unusual
- Foreign but charming, though formerly of the ear
- Foreign-looking
- Formerly of the ear? That’s strange!
- From abroad; unusual
- From distant unfamiliar places
- From outside
- Of foreign origin
- Originating in a distant country
- Originating in a distant foreign country
- Originating in a foreign country
- Strangely alluring old flame to return? I see!
- Strikingly unusual
- the best ... marigold hotel
- Introduced plants
- Plants from overseas