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Meaning of estimate

- To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data, -- either the extrinsic (money), or intrinsic (moral), value; to fix the worth of roughly or in a general way; as, to estimate the value of goods or land; to estimate the worth or talents of a person.
- To from an opinion of, as to amount,, number, etc., from imperfect data, comparison, or experience; to make an estimate of; to calculate roughly; to rate; as, to estimate the cost of a trip, the number of feet in a piece of land.
- A valuing or rating by the mind, without actually measuring, weighing, or the like; rough or approximate calculation; as, an estimate of the cost of a building, or of the quantity of water in a pond.

Crossword clue for estimate

- Approximate calculation
- Approximation
- Ballpark figure
- Builder’s quote for site developed by friend
- Calculate
- Calculate roughly
- Forecast
- Form an opinion of
- Guess
- Half the pies Tim ate resulted in round figure
- Opinion or judgement
- Revise meatiest builder’s quote
- Rough calculation
- Rough figure
- Rough guess