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Meaning of embryo

- The first rudiments of an organism, whether animal or plant
- The young of an animal in the womb, or more specifically, before its parts are developed and it becomes a fetus (see Fetus).
- The germ of the plant, which is inclosed in the seed and which is developed by germination.
- Pertaining to an embryo; rudimentary; undeveloped; as, an embryo bud.

Crossword clue for embryo

- Baby newly conceived by me ... or involved somehow
- Early developmental stage bore my design
- Early fetus
- Early foetus
- Early stage of a foetus
- Fertilised egg
- Germs
- Plant seed part
- Rudimentary life
- Rudimentary organism
- Seed
- Seed part
- The first stage of life created by me or stranger
- Thing in a rudimentary stage
- Thing in a rudimentary state
- What’s hatching in them, Bryony?