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Meaning of embargo

- An edict or order of the government prohibiting the departure of ships of commerce from some or all of the ports within its dominions; a prohibition to sail.
- To lay an embargo on and thus detain; to prohibit from leaving port; -- said of ships, also of commerce and goods.

Crossword clue for embargo

- A ban
- Ban
- Ban me going back to pub? Get away!
- Ban on trade
- Boycott
- Commercial ban imposed on another nation
- Go after foreign bream trade ban
- Go behind bar after upsetting me with order to stop trade
- Legal stoppage of trade
- O grab me back for trade ban
- Official ban on trade with another country
- Official boycott
- Prevent commerce in Harem Bar going on
- Prohibition
- Restraint
- Trade ban
- Trade restriction
- Trading ban