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Meaning of elect

- Chosen; taken by preference from among two or more.
- Chosen as the object of mercy or divine favor; set apart to eternal life.
- Chosen to an office, but not yet actually inducted into it; as, bishop elect; governor or mayor elect.
- One chosen or set apart.
- Those who are chosen for salvation.
- To pick out; to select; to choose.
- To select or take for an office; to select by vote; as, to elect a representative, a president, or a governor.
- To designate, choose, or select, as an object of mercy or favor.

Crossword clue for elect

- Choose
- Choose by vote
- Choose by voting
- Choose to erect from right to left 
- Chosen
- Co-opt
- Exclusive group
- Make a choice
- Sat out of telecast in order to vote
- Select by vote
- Turf out
- Vote for
- Vote in
- Vote in half the electorate
- Vote into office