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Meaning of elapses

- To slip or glide away; to pass away silently, as time; -- used chiefly in reference to time.

Crossword clue for elapses

- (of time) Pass by
- by? Overtakes on inside with ease
- Go by
- Go by (of decades)
- Go by (of time)
- Order, please! Pass by slowly!
- Out, please! Slip away!
- Pass (of months)
- Pass by
- Pass by and do laps in ease
- Pass by like time
- Pass by, of time
- Pass by? Overtakes on inside with ease
- Pass drinks like dogs, ensconced in ease
- Roll-on
- Slip away
- Slip by
- Slip by somewhere else, please
- Slip by, of time
- Slip by, please, in better order
- Unexpectedly see pal pass by
- Broken sleep as goes by
- Broken sleep as time goes by
- Enough said initially about moral error? Time passes
- Goes by (of time)
- Passes (of day)
- Passes (of decade)
- Slips away to see Alps
- Slips by
- Slips past into the Spanish church recesses