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Meaning of dwarfs

- An animal or plant which is much below the ordinary size of its species or kind; especially, a diminutive human being.
- To hinder from growing to the natural size; to make or keep small; to stunt.
- To become small; to diminish in size.
- of Dwarf

Crossword clue for dwarfs

- Diminutive
- doc for example
- Fairy tale creature
- Fairytale creature
- Miniature (plant)
- Mythical creature
- Overshadow Rumplestiltskin?
- Small person
- Snow White friend
- Stunt growth of
- Twerp
- Fairy tale creatures
- Fairytale creatures
- Overshadows
- Overshadows in size or importance
- Overshadows small stars
- Stunts growth of
- Towers over