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Meaning of droll

- Queer, and fitted to provoke laughter; ludicrous from oddity; amusing and strange.
- One whose practice it is to raise mirth by odd tricks; a jester; a buffoon; a merry-andrew.
- Something exhibited to raise mirth or sport, as a puppet, a farce, and the like.
- To jest; to play the buffoon.
- To lead or influence by jest or trick; to banter or jest; to cajole.
- To make a jest of; to set in a comical light.

Crossword clue for droll

- Amusing
- Amusingly odd
- Comical
- Comical lord returned to central Ireland
- Dr Love appears extremely loyal and oddly amusing
- Five hundred tumble ... that’s amusing!
- Humorous
- It's amusing when Penny takes bread bun
- Oddly amusing
- Whimsically funny