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Meaning of drapes

- To cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery; as, to drape a bust, a building, etc.
- To rail at; to banter.
- To make cloth.
- To design drapery, arrange its folds, etc., as for hangings, costumes, statues, etc.

Crossword clue for drapes

- Adorn
- Cover as with cloth
- Cover with a cloth
- Cover with cloth
- Curtain
- Hang
- Hang in folds
- Hang loose, Dr Monkey!
- Hang loose, Dr Primate!
- Hang loosely
- Organised parade without a curtain
- Place cloth loosely over Dr Parrot
- Covers loosely with curtains
- Covers with cloth
- Curtains
- Des takes the rap and hangs
- Hangs decoratively
- Hangs loosely