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Meaning of discs

- A flat round plate
- A circular structure either in plants or animals; as, a blood disc, a germinal disc, etc. Same as Disk.

Crossword clue for discs

- A jockey’s record?
- Back problem, slipped ...
- Car brake part 
- Data storage device
- Disclose half, for the record
- Flat circle
- Flat Circular Object
- Flat circular plate
- Flat plate
- Gramophone record
- Music case holder
- Music platter
- Part of spine
- Penny is 100? That must be a record!
- Record
- Record barramundis caught in interior
- Record of part of the spine
- Record shows that 500 = 100
- Record shows that 500=100
- Record source of back pain
- Sort of brakes record
- Sound recording
- Spine part 
- The D of DJ
- Type of brake
- Type of musical record
- What record is called in interior
- Flat, thin circular objects
- Records