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Meaning of diagrams

- A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
- Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an artistical one.
- To put into the form of a diagram.

Crossword clue for diagrams

- Drawing
- Explanatory chart
- Explanatory graphic shows aid affected weight
- Explanatory sketch
- In encyclopaedia, gramophone has a mechanical plan
- Make clear
- Mechanical plan
- Pictorial plan
- Sketch
- Sketch showing how to dig around a woolgrower
- Slow-witted about Taj Mahal site sketch
- technical drawing
- Mechanical plans
- Said, "Come back about weight graphs"
- Said, “Come back about weight graphs”
- Technical drawings