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Meaning of dances

- To move with measured steps, or to a musical accompaniment; to go through, either alone or in company with others, with a regulated succession of movements, (commonly) to the sound of music; to trip or leap rhythmically.
- To move nimbly or merrily; to express pleasure by motion; to caper; to frisk; to skip about.
- To cause to dance, or move nimbly or merrily about, or up and down; to dandle.
- The leaping, tripping, or measured stepping of one who dances; an amusement, in which the movements of the persons are regulated by art, in figures and in accord with music.
- A tune by which dancing is regulated, as the minuet, the waltz, the cotillon, etc.

Crossword clue for dances

- A ball
- Ballet
- Ballet, e.g.
- Boogie
- Disco
- Fling Morris a bolero?
- Foxtrot or rumba
- Fuss, song and ...
- Hoedown
- In front of church, Dan had a ball
- It follows a song and creates unnecessary fuss
- Move to music
- Perform ballet
- Social event
- terpsichorean
- What to do when a ball is thrown?
- Can Des refine moves to music?
- Hoedowns
- Moves in time to music
- Moves nimbly
- Moves one’s body to music
- School formals
- Social events