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Meaning of contests

- To make a subject of dispute, contention, litigation, or emulation; to contend for; to call in question; to controvert; to oppose; to dispute.
- To strive earnestly to hold or maintain; to struggle to defend; as, the troops contested every inch of ground.
- To make a subject of litigation; to defend, as a suit; to dispute or resist; as a claim, by course of law; to controvert.
- To engage in contention, or emulation; to contend; to strive; to vie; to emulate; -- followed usually by with.
- Earnest dispute; strife in argument; controversy; debate; altercation.
- Earnest struggle for superiority, victory, defense, etc.; competition; emulation; strife in arms; conflict; combat; encounter.

Crossword clue for contests

- A competition
- Battle
- Challenge or dispute
- Horse race
- Match
- Challenges
- Challenges costs surrounding broken net
- Events in which people compete for supremacy
- Games