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Meaning of charades

- A verbal or acted enigma based upon a word which has two or more significant syllables or parts, each of which, as well as the word itself, is to be guessed from the descriptions or representations.

Crossword clue for charades

- A card he used to create false pretence
- An absurd pretence
- False pretence
- Item in a wordless party guessing game
- Leading contractors somehow hear about promo farce
- Mime
- Mockery
- Pantomime involving race had dancing characters
- Parody
- Party game
- Pretence
- Shah raid said to be ridiculous pretence
- Spoof
- Travesty
- A card she modified for party game
- Absurd pretences
- Absurd pretences complicated hard case
- All right to surround a wood
- False pretences
- Farces
- Mimes
- Pantomime games
- Parlour game
- Party game is about cash, dear
- Party mime game
- Ridiculous acts
- Shah raids rowdy party game