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Meaning of aware

- Watchful; vigilant or on one's guard against danger or difficulty.
- Apprised; informed; cognizant; conscious; as, he was aware of the enemy's designs.

Crossword clue for aware

- Ah, we’re told to be mindful
- Ah! We’re hearing and mindful
- Alert! Back inside! Danger awaits!
- Au fait with, ... of
- concentrating
- Conscious
- Conscious (of)
- Conscious of
- Conscious of New Year’s Day makeover not including Sydney
- Forewarned
- Have knowledge of
- Having knowledge of
- In the know
- Informed
- Intelligent
- Knowing
- Knowing about
- knowledgable
- Mindful
- Mindful of a battle last June
- Mindful that it sounds like a question of location
- Saw a reason for trapping fly