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Meaning of awakes

- To rouse from sleep; to wake; to awaken.
- To rouse from a state resembling sleep, as from death, stupidity., or inaction; to put into action; to give new life to; to stir up; as, to awake the dead; to awake the dormant faculties.
- To cease to sleep; to come out of a state of natural sleep; and, figuratively, out of a state resembling sleep, as inaction or death.
- Not sleeping or lethargic; roused from sleep; in a state of vigilance or action.

Crossword clue for awakes

- A funeral gathering keeps one alert
- Ah, we’re told to be mindful
- Alert
- Astir
- Aware of, ... to
- Call forth
- Come to
- concentrating
- Conscious
- Emerge from sleep
- Eyes open for a funeral party
- No longer sleeping
- Not sleeping
- Regain consciousness at a funeral party
- Rouse
- Up and about
- Very alert, wide ...
- Stimulates
- Stirs