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Meaning of atlas

- One who sustains a great burden.
- The first vertebra of the neck, articulating immediately with the skull, thus sustaining the globe of the head, whence the name.
- A collection of maps in a volume
- A volume of plates illustrating any subject.
- A work in which subjects are exhibited in a tabular from or arrangement; as, an historical atlas.
- A large, square folio, resembling a volume of maps; -- called also atlas folio.
- A drawing paper of large size. See under Paper, n.
- A rich kind of satin manufactured in India.

Crossword clue for atlas

- At last, ending is deleted from book
- Book of maps
- Book of maps or charts
- Book that’s a last resort
- Booster rocket
- Collection of charts
- Collection of maps
- Geography textbook
- Map book
- Map collection
- Marine map
- Mythical underworld figure?
- North African mountain range
- Paper size
- Titan holding up the sky (Grk Myth)