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Meaning of assets

- Any article or separable part of one's assets.
- Property of a deceased person, subject by law to the payment of his debts and legacies; -- called assets because sufficient to render the executor or administrator liable to the creditors and legatees, so far as such goods or estate may extend.
- Effects of an insolvent debtor or bankrupt, applicable to the payment of debts.
- The entire property of all sorts, belonging to a person, a corporation, or an estate; as, the assets of a merchant or a trading association; -- opposed to liabilities.

Crossword clue for assets

- A useful or valuable thing
- A useful quality
- admirable quality
- Advantage
- Advantage starting school every term
- Benefit
- Boon
- Changing seats could be an advantage
- Donkey alien is a good thing to have?
- Economic resource
- Financial holding
- Financial resource
- Item of value in a small collection
- of most desirable quality
- Plus
- Positive point
- Resource
- Seats could be seen as an advantage
- Seats ordered for benefit
- strength, virtue
- Thing of value
- Useful quality
- Useful quality, especially financial
- Useful resource
- Useful thing
- Valuable commodity
- Valuable item
- Valuable possession
- Valuable possession for alien following donkey
- Valuable quality
- Valuable quality as collection
- Valuable thing
- Worthy thing
- Add ass to ET’s belongings
- Assents to giving away northern property
- Fool set out to seek wealth
- Goods as prescribed by section head
- Holdings
- One's property and resources
- Personal wealth
- Possessions of value
- Property
- Property and possessions
- Realisable property
- Resources
- Useful things
- Valuable commodities
- Valuable things
- Valuables