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Meaning of arson

- The malicious burning of a dwelling house or outhouse of another man, which by the common law is felony; the malicious and voluntary firing of a building or ship.

Crossword clue for arson

- Around beginning of September, Nora turned to crime
- Around beginning of September. Nora turned to crime
- Clear sons hid crime
- Crime
- Crime Centre parsons
- Crime of burning property
- Crime of setting fire to property
- Criminal fire-setting
- Fire crime
- Fire-lighting crime
- Fire-raising
- Firebug’s felony
- Firebug’s offence
- Illegal burning
- Incendiarism
- Incendiary crime
- Malicious burning
- Malicious burning in parsonage
- Malicious fire-setting
- Pyromania
- Pyromaniac's crime
- Pyromaniac’s crime